martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

Second week 2010

In this paragraph I will talk about my future. In the future I will like to finish my bachelors degree in pedagogy. I'm going to be a English teacher of elementary school. I will like too to be a dance teacher. Actually I'm dancing salsa and I will like to follow it. Then I will like to continue my studies and find a job.

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

First week 2010

This story talks about shopping the day after thanksgiving. A lot of people like to shop, but why not to do it online. In the story tells us that shopping on the internet can be secure or it can be dangerous. Most people like shop on the internet because is more ease. Sometimes we need to be caution because in the internet exist a lot of fraud. We need to look up first if the Website is secure, then pick an order and pay with a credit.